The core group of the Lab GPSM

Fred Adam is artist and researcher founder of the web portal and Co-founder of the art collective Transnational Temps. Specialist in spatial narrative and locative media since 2006. He is collaborating with artists, scientists, teachers and environmentalists in innovative projects mainly in the US and England. He is actually investigating the original concept of Walking Documentary for his PhD.

Verónica Perales

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Verónica Perales is in charge of the Spanish translation of the ARIS client. European PhD from the Department of Fine Arts at the Castilla-La Mancha University (FR/SP). Faculty Member in the Fine Arts Faculty of Murcia University in Spain. “Teaching Concept, Idea and Artistic discourse” and “Audiovisual and Multimedia projects” (graduate students) and “Digital Media for artistic Creation” (master Degree). Co-founder of international art collective Transnational Temps (2001), promoting respect for the biosphere as a living organism and the use of technological advancements to foment knowledge of the natural environment. Thinking about ARIS like a creative tool for hypermedia projects.
Verónica Perales y Fred Adam son colaboradores internacionales del proyecto ARIS Games de la Universidad de Wisconsin en Madison. Colaboran en España con el colectivo Escoitar para la experimentación con el entorno de creación sonora geolocalizada Notours. Son miembros de varios grupos de investigación en España y beta testers del framework de Vancouver, Canada.

Horacio González Diéguez

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Horacio es licenciado en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Vigo y profesor de Enseñanza Secundaria en Galicia, doctorando del "Programa de Doctorado de Diseño en la Ingeniería" en la Universidad de Vigo y miembro del Grupo de Investigación "DX7".

En la actualidad desarrolla junto con Enrique-Tomás un software de auralidad aumentada para Android llamado NoTours y realiza su tesis doctoral en relación a la realidad aumentada, el papel de los mapas en el desarrollo de la web y los procesos de fisificación en la misma.

Su trabajo se desarrolla al rededor del error digital, las bajas tecnologías y la interacción entre personas y ordenadores. Forma parte del colectivo ))) como desarrollador de software, contexto en el cual ha colaborado en el desarrollo de los plugins Gis, Google Map Api y Open Layers para Spip. También es uno de los creadores del proyecto Visual Heritage Preasure Lab en el que ha desarrollado proyectos como Roommates, CommonBookmarks, FishChatter, Prize Hunter o Biophiomnitos.


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Collaborators from Spain

Xoán Xil López

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Xoán es Musicólogo y artista sonoro. Forma parte de los proyectos, y En los últimos años ha desarrollado diversas investigaciones tanto en el campo de la etnomusicología (música y etnicidad) como en el de la música contemporánea, trabajando en diversos proyectos de investigación de carácter interdisciplinar (relaciones entre música y artes plásticas). Actualmente es Doctorando en arte y música y está realizando su Tesis sobre “auralidad”, paisaje sonoro y la utilización de sonidos ambientales en la creación sonora -estéticas sonoras y procesos culturales-.

Arianna Mazzeo

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Director of ESEI Master in ICT and Start-ups and Professor of Business and Design Schools (EAE, Elisava, IED etc.), she focus on searching new m-target and the intention for meaningful, usable, and engaging user experience improve the very conception of successful interactive products and services in mculture, meducation. From user research and design strategy, to the delivery of a finished product, with a holistic approach that considers all user touch points that shape the experience.
Co-founder of TEKcreate (the Barcelona Creative Lab) with Mauricio O’Brien, a social environment platform of young entrepreneurs, designers, communicators, educators, and marketers, responsible for social innovation projects on mlearning and creativity with start-ups and new ventures. She get in GSMA mSchools Initiative coordinating the relationships with Catalan schools and ICT start-ups, a very pioneer project where she also design the strategy to lobby enterprises, governments and private-public partnerships to enhanced technology for social change.

Mauricio O'Brien

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Graphic designer for more than a decade, began his training at the School of Design of the Balearic Islands. Attended the first edition of the Graduate Course "Design, Image and Architecture" Elisava - Design School in 2003, to which he has remained linked until today as Master’s Degree course co-director “Design and Architecture”. Attained a Bachelor in Arts and Design at the University of Southampton and is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Cultural Management from the UOC.

In 2013, he co-founded the group TEK focused on training in technological processes for social innovation education in the field of design.

At the present moment, a lecturer at schools like ELISAVA School of Design (UPF), European Institute of Design (IED), ENSAM - National School of Architecture of Montpellier, among others.
Developed a series of educational labs and workshops with students, since 2004, for the graduate and undergraduate education community enhancing trans-media communication and interactive media.

Collaborators from Austria

Enrique Tomás

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Enrique Tomás (Madrid, 1981) is a sound artist based on Linz, Austria. He started his musical studies at the age of 12 in Spain. In 2004, after finishing his MSc. in Telecommunications Engineering and becoming a dissident from academic composition academy, he started to exhibit his work.

He has been responsible for interactive sound art works like “Algorithmic Echolocation” exhibited at SONAR 05 Festival, Ars Electronica 2005, Observatori Festival 2006, Sevilla’s Contemporany Art Biennial 2008, etc. In 2005 he started to work for Medialab Madrid (known as Medialab Prado nowadays) for the production of media art works, exhibitions and events.